
Just Make Your Life Awesome

There is no particular way to change your life. Only one man can change yourself that is"You". Changing your life is not so hard. You need to change your daily habits, your goals, and your behavior. Most of the people asked me that how could I change my life or how could I change peoples thinking about you?
So care on these things.
1- Face
2- Behavior
3- Language

These three facts are most important in your life cause people may judge you with these three things. So from now work on these things. The face is not so important but the rest of the two things are very important in your life.

My Story About These Three Things

I was in 10 when I admitted to a school near my village. I was too small, I can say there was no boy which was smaller than me. Student and teachers called me "Chottu". I was very upset cause my height is too small and my voice is the same as the girl. When I spoke in the classroom then student begun to laugh on me and said "which girl is speaking from boys side. It takes 2 years to change myself and still changing. One of my friends met me in the market, you don't believe he hadn't recognized me. Then I said my all intro to him then he said "bro what is this? I haven't recognized you.

So work on given three things and just see the miracle of life. 

Shubham Singh

I am a common man with common thoughts, and i've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but i've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.

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